Victor Gdalevich

Why the Ham Sandwich?

Victor Gdalevich
Why the Ham Sandwich?

  At Broke Kitchen, we love lunch.

  For many, lunch is a sad 12 minutes of waiting in line at a fast casual mini-chain and racing back to a desk to inhale whatever food was just purchased for $17. For one meal. That adds up. 

 And let's be real: lunch should not just be treated as sustenance, it's food. It's your midday moment of zen. It's a reality check. And it should always be delicious. Life is too short and you are too good for that basic day old veggie wrap you got from a glorified bodega. 

  But we understand that lunch can rarely be a six-course meal peppered with scintillating conversation among friends and brethren. In New York, it's like, never that. 

  Whether you're a WFH-er (work from home-er, yes it IS a real acronym) or commuter, you always have time to make a sandwich. Protein, vegetables and maybe an artisanal mustard if you're cool like that, wrap it up and hit the road. Take a moment to assess your cabinet and fridge situation. If you don't have some type of your favorite bread, a good mayonnaise and some mustards/sauces of choice, you're f**king up adulthood royalty. 

  This week, we just so happen to have a lot of ham, from a weekend cooking endeavor that proved...bountiful. So we took 10 minutes and made a bomb-ass ham sandwich with a French baguette, country dijon mustard, peppery mayo and piled it high with fresh spinach leaves. Note the ingredients in the photo below.

Anyone can do this at home. You should too.

Anyone can do this at home. You should too.